How To Remove A Broken Car Key

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    How To Remove A Broken Car Key

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    One of a car owner’s worst nightmare is when they try to insert their car key onto the lock, and suddenly it breaks.

    A broken car key stuck inside the car door could prevent car owners from properly locking or unlocking the vehicle.

    Professional car locksmith services should only handle the problematic situation of dealing with a broken car key.

    It’s a good thing that there are many car locksmith services in Thornhill, Toronto, that could help car owners with such a problem.

    Moreover, our professional and talented car locksmiths of Thornhill Car Locksmith prepared this article that answers how to remove a broken car key.

    So there’s no need to worry, for there are many ways to remove a broken car key even without the help of a professional.

    Observe the key stump of the car key.

    A broken car key that got stuck inside a car lock could be an easy fix with just grabbing a pair of pliers.

    Inspect to see how much of the snapped key’s exterior is sticking out from the car lock.

    Using the needle-nose of the pliers, you should be able to pull the remaining damaged car key part out of the car lock.

    After retrieving the broken key, take the pieces to a car locksmith to have it checked.

    You can opt to make another spare key, just in case you don’t have an extra.

    Never attempt to turn the key knob with the use of the pliers.

    However, you can also twist the metal of the broken car key until it snaps again.

    The action of twisting the metal part of the car key can save car owners the worry of not having anything protruding out of the car lock.

    Consider purchasing special removal tools.

    When the top part of the broken car key remains stuck inside the car lock and even with the use of pliers could not be helped, it’s time to purchase a particular set of removal tools.

    These removal tools come with a flat and narrow small hook at the end.

    Moreover, the removal tools are used to slide inside along the key, then apply a pincer-like power to pull the damaged key part out.

    You might also want to use a powder or liquid lubricant to spray onto the lock and easily get the remaining pieces out of the car lock.

    Use the powerful force of a magnet.

    One alternative removal tool that could help remove the broken car key out of the car lock can be a magnet.

    Using its powerful force to grab onto the metal part of the key can instantly pull the remaining piece out of the lock.

    However, using a magnet isn’t also a guaranteed solution.

    Sometimes, the broken key would be too short for the magnet to reach out, engage with it, and cause further damage.

    It’s worth a shot, especially since magnets can be pretty affordable to purchase.

    Still, it’s always best to contact a professional when it comes to taking care of things such as having a broken car key.

    Inspect the car lock door cylinder

    The car lock door cylinder is a mechanism that supports the car door from having to lock or unlock with the use of the car key.

    Moreover, a faulty car lock door cylinder could be one of the main reasons why car owners get locked out of the car most of the time.

    By tapping the car lock door cylinder, one should be able to point the keyway downward.

    Furthermore, you can also strike the lock with a heavy tool such as a hammer to get the lock cylinder to work.

    Striking the car door lock cylinder is a method that could help in loosening the broken key stuck inside the lock.

    However, it is advisable to let a professional handle the situation not to cause further damage to your vehicle.

    Need a licensed team of car locksmiths around Thornhill? Worry no more! Thornhill Car Locksmith is the perfect service for you!

    Don’t wanna risk doing these tips all by yourself? With Thornhill Car Locksmith, we’ll make sure that getting your broken car key can be so easy that you won’t even have to worry about anything else.

    Additionally, we also do other locksmith services such as changing the car lock, replacing car door lock cylinders, duplicating car keys, and a whole lot more.

    Contact us today to learn more about our locksmith services and fees.

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